I have been thinking about this point for a few days. There is a huge emphasis 
on handlaunch, which is even *more* difficult and expensive than many 2M ships. 
So the answer cannot be that 2M planes are too difficult to fly, cause we all 
know that handlaunch offers really short flights even with DLG. Perhaps it is 
because no one has really made this class size sexy enough. After all, why 
should they?  We get people moaning about the class all year long but 
particularly during the winter. It is also, as some have said, the "beginners" 
class where just about everyone starts out. I do not know the solution here but 
I'd bet you cannot strengthen this class even by adding enough CF and hollow 
moulded parts to attract those with some bucks in their pockets. I think the 
Allegro-Lite has done more to attract people, including myself, to 2M and RES 
than anything else.
I suppose we could take your example, Matt, to the fullest extent and have 
handlaunch guys compete against unlimited as well. I know at one contest I went 
to there was a guy that did that...  I was second to last with my 2M foamie, 
and guess who I beat? :-)  
Unlike some, I have actually enjoyed this thread. It shows that there is some 
passion out there in this hobby. Hopefully some of that passion will get passed 
down to some younger modelers. 
Cheshire, CT
-----Original Message----- 
From: Matt Fair [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Fri 2/11/2005 9:09 PM 
To: soaring@airage.com 
Subject: [RCSE] 2M 

        The reason people do not like to fly 2m because it is
        more difficult than flying the unlimited ships.  Wow,
        think about it you actually have to think, work
        harder, fly cleaner and be able to read the air better
        i.e. its a challenge. 
        I actually prefer to fly my 2m over unlimited. I also
        fly my 2m in unlimited class in contests; sometimes I
        walk away with wood from the contest and
        bragging rights that I was able to place against
        people with sometimes more than a meter of wingspan to
        their advantage.
        I know I am going to catch a lot of grief for this
        post, but while I am at it I prefer JR servos and I
        prefer bagged ships over molded ships.
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