Hi Guys,
This one of those really good deals that comes up everyonce in a while. If you are SERIOUSLY interested, I will send you a bunch of photos.,, but likley if you wait to ask questions, it will be gone.
There is dependant on someone's right of first refusal, but I expect to know tonite or tomorrow, however I figured I'd put it out there for someone to be 'next in line'.
For all you guys who want a THE sexiest scale sailplane...I came acrossed a New In Box but mostly completed  Simprop SB 10  For those of you who don't know the plane, its characteristic is a very thin chord, and its an xtail...not T, not V, not fixed stab with elevator.
It is in the original box.  Sold by Hobby Lobby for $478 plus shipping when it was available.
Wing Span approx 174". 14.4', 4400mm...big :-)
It has 2 Airtronics Coreless BB 737 for elevator and rudder servos and one std Airtonics servo operating the optional retrat.
The fuse has been painted and is completely ready for RX.  Large C cell battery pack included.
The wing needs some spackle touch up on one spot at the leading edge (all leading edges are installed and sanded to shape, there is a pattern in the hardware kit).
Wings are factory sheeted with Balsa skins.
The surfaces need to be cut loose, faced with their leading edges and horns installed.
The wing servos and wiring has to be installed (route channel all in place for fishing the wires thru.)
The wing roots are completed, ready for using.
The rudder has been built covered and installed with all pushrods in place and attached to their servos in the nose.
The Stabs are finished and ready to use.
The retract is installed and working.
Deluxe Cockpit decal sheet
There are 3 or 4 new rolls of Ultra Coat white included.
So install :
Wing Servos and linkage
Finish the wing surfaces
Install RX
Here's a cost accounting for whats in the box:
Kit $478
Double high spoilers $48
Retract $83
2 Servos @ $88  $176
1 Servo @ $25
2300mah C Battery Pack $40
3 Rolls Ultra Coat $15 each $45

Shipping likely $50 in a Sportube.
Total $945
Yours for $700 shipped, you pay to return the Sportube (approx $20 regular mail
Gordy Stahl
9303 LeBeau Ct
Louisville Ky 40299
502 727-9595 cell

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