I recently decided that it was time for me to start taking a toolbox
with me to the field.

I've been going with the theory:  If I take it with me, that means I'll
probably need it.

The premise of that theory is - if I don't take any tools/glue/duct
tape/etc, then I won't break my airplane! :-)

It sounds good in theory.  In reality, I learned last week that there
are occasions where it is useful to have tools, even when there isn't
anything 'wrong' with the airplane.  For example - I have two new
airplanes for this season.  One of them needed a little servo arm
readjustment.  Fortunately, someone else at the field had a couple
screwdrivers so I could make those adjustments.

So, I ask - what do you keep in your tool boxes at the field?  I'm
finally taking the step and am going to put together a good set of tools
(and supplies!) and keep them in one good, solid box.
-       Dave

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