
This weekend's ISR was one of the most competitive and exciting events in Davenport history. We started with 32 pilots with winds in excess of 30 knots for both days. Pilots did not have to worry about how much ballast they needed from one round to another because we were FULL UP from morning to late afternoon! Couldn't ask for better conditions. Wind direction wasn't a problem as the winds slowly shifted to WNW and held for both days.

Racing - we got a total of 10 full rounds in over the weekend and we witnessed some of the best and fastest pilots shred up the course. I will post some of these races on the Davenportisr web site.

Carnage was very high at this year's event as many aggressive pilots flew hard and fast against the highly skilled field. All pilots were not immune to the carnage as many veterans got caught up in some of the most spectacular mid airs we have seen. Many of these have been captured on video and I will be posting them on the Davenportisr web site.

Race Final Standings:
Congratulations to the winners:

   1st Place:  Darrell Zabellos - TOP GUN
   2nd Place:  Joe Wurts
   3rd Place:  Ron Vann

   Fastest Time:
   Darrell Zabellos - 1 min, 51 seconds!  Darrell was near flawless
   this weekend, winning 9 of 10 races!

   Baskin Award:
   Bill Highfeild - Many pilots tried to impress the judges this year,
   but it was Bill's graceful landing in the launching area in front of
   (on) the spectators that captured this award.  I have a video of
   this one...  Sorry Bill..

I will be posting the final results on the www.davenportisr.com web site within the next few days. For those of you who would still like to purchase Davenport merchandise, the on-line store will remain open for a few more weeks. Go to: http://www.cafepress.com/davenport2005

Special thanks to all the volunteers who helped make this event successful. We could not have this event without you!

Pictures and Videos: I am looking for good pictures and videos to put on the web site. Please contact me if you have some pictures / videos you can send me to post on our site.

Congratulations again to all the winners!


Mike Seto
NCSS Vice President

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