Hey Guys what a great contest!! First of all I want to thank the NCSS for putting on this event. The help of Mike Seto (CD) and Martin Falarski (co CD) was outstanding, and well organized to say the least. Also all of the workers who sacrificed a full weekend to sit out in the dirt blown wind amongst the poison oak pushing buttons and dodging toy airplanes was nothing but brave.

Another special thanks to all of the vendors for the workers raffle without you guys I think it would be very difficult to show our appreciation for their help.


Last but not least I want to thank a very special guy Scott Woodward a great pilot and awesome caller. Scott you did an outstanding job in helping me to fly the best I can and to stay out of harms way. Yes I can say that I went to the contest with two airplanes and came home with two. That’s a bonus!!  Thanks again Scott.


This years ISR had a whole bunch of talent and more than a few very fast airplanes, it was kind of scary. The conditions on Saturday seemed to be pretty good almost all day; there were only two times that I can remember that it seemed to switch up a little WNW. Sunday was very surprising it held good, straight in to the slope all day.  The racing this year was outstanding a lot of very close and exciting races here’s a few from my memory that stand out.


The very first round that I flew I was battling with Martin for first place I think that we exchanged places for the lead about three times that was very exciting Mart.


The next one that I recall was when I went up against Ron Vann an old veteran slope racer (well he’s not that old but very, very good) anyway Ron defiantly put the pressure on for about five solid laps until he made one mistake and cut just a little to tight at base A where he had to push out to clear the pylons so he won’t receive a cut. That’s all I needed to pull away enough to take the win thanks Ron.


Second half of message on its way I didn’t know there was a size limit.



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