As a former 'turnaround troll', i would add my endorsement (as if it mattered) to this effort for the cart kids.
BUT, how does one make a bid?  to whom should it be sent -- to you, denny?
Dana Flemming

Dudes and Dudettes

  The Polecat Challenge is shaping up to be a dandy this year.  Sheldon from Ynt Udesign has made it extra special by making this dandy offer.

  Sheldon at YNT Udesign has provided another Alti-2 with a very special purpose. This Alti-2 will be sold by silent auction. Bids may be submitted directly to me at <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> minimum bid is $100. This is a $150 peice of equipment and is donated for the auction by Sheldon with 100% of the proceeds going to the "turnaround troll" fund for the LSF/AMA Soaring NATS. For those of you that are not familiar with the NATS format, the winch lines are shagged by kids who work from very early in the morning till competition is over every day, out in the Indiana sun and heat which can be brutal. These kids get paid a very few dollars and lunch from donations by competitors without complaint, Both my boys have done this job and Sheldon trys his darndest to keep these guys and girls happy. This year he'd like to do something special for them like rent them some play time on the slick track one evening. Guys, this is a great idea and the kids deserve it. I've been in Muncie when the sun is beating down and I'm hiding in the shade but the rounds tick off like clockwork due in large part to the hard work of these kids. Matter of fact, if someone has the gumption to bid this critter to $200, I'll throw in a $100 gift certificate to Polecat Aero!!!!!!! Now if it goes over $200 your bidding on $250 worth of stuff!! REMEMBER, every penny will go to the kids, not even shipping will be taken out! Support your local "turnaround troll" Internet bidding will end at noon saturday june 18th and just before the raffle at the contest on sunday

Denny Maize
Polecat Aero

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