If that is correct I guess they have specs that confirms to what I want.
So I guess next is durabillity.
I have not used all brands either but I know that the thin wings and large hingelines some of us are moving towards puts extreme loads on our tiny servos. The manufacturers must come up with better products because many of them are not up to the use (to thick or too fragile or too weak or too slow). I even flew half a round this weekend in Nordic champs with a broken aileron servo. Last time I did that was the last Nordic championship ALSO in 2003. Just because I had to test a new servo in a new model. Stupid me. This time my servo dealer said that he would rather have me use another servo. But I had too try. So it was my own fault....

So no matter what. We love that new servos with better specs AND durabillity comes on the market.

Hilsen (Regards) Jojo


The last number for torque I was given by Airtronics
was 53 ounces. That was a verbal, and I don't know how
true it is. So I guess... a more appropriate statement
would be: As strong, faster, smaller, lighter,
cheaper.... ;-)


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