Thanks, Gordy.  I need a bunch of new Volz servos for 3 or 4 upcoming builds!  I’ll see you at the Volz tent.




Sent: Sunday, September 25, 2005 6:01 PM
Subject: [RCSE] "Volz provides special Visalia Pricing Again This Year!"


Like all the suppliers who attend Visalia, the goal is to help make the trip worth that much more, so as an incentive/reward to those attending, Michael is subsidizing the pricing for those buying at the big game.


And of course some donations to the raffle to help raise money.


I'll be manning the Volz tent again this year, Michael's life got busy so too many places for him to be in the world.


All digital, all carbon brushed, and mounts and connectors too :-) Even a few spare this' and that's' along. Sorry no spec comparisons to the really good servos available at the table, so you'll have to do you're own comparisons.
Things to look for...a mounting system designed specifically for high performance sailplanes, a connector system designed specifically for high performance sailplanes, gears which seem to be unbreakable, carbon brushed motors, special arms designed for use in high performance sailplanes, optimized for 4 cell use, and of course check the torque, and speed.

I don't know them but will have some Volz spec sheets for those who want them. If you want answers, you'll have to go to the website.  I don't get paid to have that...heck I don't get paid at all but enjoy chatting with you guys! So see you there!

Should be in the same spot as the last 5 years or so. :-)

See you guys there.

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