Can't wait to get mine going. I am building a hand wound outrunner to put behind a Cosmotech gear box (also from NF), in fact am making a couple of different stator winds as the hot one may be too hot. One of our guys is pulling 450 watts which may make the wings flutter a little.

I have flown a Poly Sergio all last year and maybe have a 100 flights on it, it is a great Paragon type relaxing flying plane that goes up in a gofer belch. Biggest problem is getting it out of a boomer.

I have been pushing Kurt's stuff in our club and we now have maybe eight or ten of his planes flying or getting ready to fly. The Greater Detroit Soaring and Hiking Society now has electric launched sailplanes (not 3D stuff) at almost every outing and we at times never put up a winch and do impromptu MOM with a couple of guys for fun.

Flew the E-Graphite II on 10 cells today (Kennedy Composites) and it was a blast going straight up to launch height in less than 10 seconds. 15 seconds made it really small. Fun is back..............

Stopped in Buffalo today after a rainy day of demoing beach cleaners in Toronto (yeah I sold some :-)...
In any case after gorging on Buffalo wings and Killians, I met up with Kurt from Niagrafrontier Models to take custody of a brand new F5J ship, the Pulsar 2005.  This is a 78" organic construction ship with a unique plug in nose cone.  The only thing that is not in the nose are the rudder and elevator servos, they stay with the back part of the fuse and the tail boom.
This is an xtail ship that packs into a really small case, and battery changes are a snap.
This thing is sooo light that it needs a wooden case to keep in on the ground when its apart.
Kurt is a great guy, a working stiff like the rest of us, who enjoys supplying and flying F5J stuff.  He really knows this part of the hobby and from the past years results, the Pulsar line has proven itself worth dealing.
For you guys who love to complain about the hobby and its suppliers, don't bother with Kurt, he'll disappoint you with friendly, interested service. :-)  For the others who have been thinking about getting involved in F5J Speed 400 competitons, take a look.  The Poly Pulsar has been the most popular because of its ease to thermal, but if you want the challenge of full control (like I do) the 2005 is the way to go.

louisville or bust!

Jack Iafret
Home and Hobbies

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