What will be the flight behavior consequence of a very long tail moment?

I have been working on a two meter full house ship of my own design based upon classic TLAR principles. To my astonishment, when I attached the wings today, things didn't look "about right" at all. The tail moment appears to be much too long.

I will undergo cataract surgery tomorrow and maybe it will look right after that, but I doubt it.

So I've got this glider with a longer than "usual" distance from wing trailing edge to V-tail leading edge. What flight characteristics (due to this particular factor) should I expect when I launch it?

I believe it was about 1946 when I first realized that there is often a substantial distance between the way I envision things and the way they turn out after I have actuallty built them. It doesn't matter too much (at least to me) however, as I enjoy the process even though the product is usually so bad that friends have been known to take models away from me and then return them in a condition so lovely that I am uncomfortable trying to fly them.

Anyway, what should I expect once the eye heals up and I get up the courage to launch this thing?


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