 I agree with your comments on the Supras flying qualities. While no airplane is a Silver Bullet, this one is better than anything I have flown before. It reads air unbelievably well, has long legs, good float, and launches, and lands well. The Supra accelerates effortlessly from float to cruise. I really like this because my main interest is F3J and this acceleration will translate to quicker launches. For the top flyers like Kiesling and Perkins they probably won't see much more out of this model than what they get from what they are flying right now. But the rest of us are going to have an easier go with this airplane. I think it will have wide appeal and with good reason it is really a fine model. By the way did you talk Skip in to flying it yet? I told him to order two, the day I test flew mine. Good luck with it, and let's not land out after this discussion :-)   Larry

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