Actually, the guy (Skip Miller) with the biggest plane, a Nimbus4 as I recall, that towed the highest (~4K AGL?) did not take 1st Place...Peter Goldsmith did (and we had a blast being part of his team). So is your statement regarding "set height...more fair" actually valid...I'm not so sure? It was the first time I had ever experienced an aerotow even and it was AWESOME!

From: Tom Broeski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2006 6:20 AM
Subject: [RCSE] XC at Nats

Last time they let you fly either or both XC events.   Aero-tow and winch.  There was only one fee.  There is only winch XC listed on the LSF site.  but the entry form has them separated.  There is also  "After Hours Events" listed on Friday after HL.  What would that be?
If the conditions were like last time, it would be nice to have the option of flying in the aero-tow.  Having to choose "only one" is difficult.  Anyone know if the aero-tow is like last time, where you got towed as high as you wanted?  It mean't the biggest plane got up 4000 ft, while the smaller ones 1000 ft.  If they have a set height for release, and monitors at the field corners, then it might be more fair and might be a factor in people's decisions.  Since there is no frequency conflict issue, it would be nice if there was still the option of doing both.
I have a vehicle this year, but need a driver and observer.  I'm sure my last year's team will be doing scale aero-tow, and I need my 10K for LSF and Canadian.  Anyone able to help out?  I have two winches available if anyone needs me to bring a spare.

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