Well, I have received 5 replies so far, 3 private and 2 cc'ed to the group.
Three recommend against using it primarily based upon the fact that it is a
single conversion receiver, regardless of the signal processing, and two who
have successfully used it - one at the NATs. 

Surely one can use a non-PCM rx successfully in a crowded frequency
environment. Does it have to be dual conversion. Is the signal processing
just not yet perfected for crowded frequency environments?

I just want to find a small lightweight non-PCM rx that has a glitch
resistant track record in large contests. Is it just the small dual
conversion HiTec's such as the Electron 6?

Thanks to all who have taken the time to reply so far.



Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2006 14:51:07 -0000
From: "eye_rc_soar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: soaring@airage.com
Subject: Jr R700 rx in contest environment?

I'm toying with using a Jr R700 rx (18 g w/ case) to reduce weight vs 
my tried and true Airtronics 92778 (35 g w/case). I asking about the 
R700 rx and not the PCM R770 rx since I am an Evo flyer. Does anyone 
have experience with this receiver in a contest environment, i.e. in a 
crowded frequency environment. I don't want a receiver that behaves 
nicely in a normaly flying environment and then goes crazy at a major 

Is the HiTec Electron 6 being used, or other light weight receivers in 
a crowded frequency environment.


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