I did and it was my new Sharon.  This plane has the new bigger stabs and with them when I pull back on the stick the nose goes up, and when I push down on the stick the nose goes down...with the older smaller stabs....the same thing happened :-)
I flew the Sharon today (cherry buster flight) but just one hop up, was tired and it was getting windy  on our field and filling up with kites. It is sooo pretty I almost can't stand to look at it :-)
Volz blue fuse, white tops, red tips, 1" leading edge red, red bottoms, red LE on a white Vertical....
I put her together and a guy walked by and started crying, its sooo gorgeous.
Also flew the Giant wing on the Pike today.  WOW.  its gonna take some learning but man I took a thermal wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy far away and then realized how far away down wind I was...over forest and golf course and subdivision.... yipes...  How far away WAS I...well if it had been DP, the plane would still be going, but fortunately my superior flying skills and experience came thru.... she came home no problem to catch another.
I didn't set the balance just threw this wing on my Superior fuse and stabs.....I think its flying at about 55% !!!! :-0.
Inverted I have to pull some UP to keep it from ballooning...versus down to hold the nose level!!!!
Makes it kind of quirky :-) I guess someday I'll have to outfit its own fuse so I can get it own balance figured out.

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