xfce + sugar: sugar-emulator crashes; but xfce desktop works on
soas-i386-20100411.16 2GB USB

It has to be in sugar 0.88 a rollback to 0.87 worked fine last week for me.

Tom Gilliard

Peter Robinson wrote:
> Hi All,
> Sorry for my lack of response over the last week. I've been on
> holidays and tried to stay offline as much as possible.
> I think I've now caught up on most of the backlog of emails and other bits.
> New points from the last week or so:
> - New Record release 66. It should be appearing in nightly before
> long. For those that want to test _NOW_ you can do a
> ' rpm -Uvh 
> http://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/packages/sugar-record/66/1.fc13/noarch/sugar-record-66-1.fc13.noarch.rpm'
> Please report success/failures
> - All the final releases of sugar 0.88 should now be in the nightly
> build so please test
> - Problems with latest nightly builds. I'm downloading the current one
> as I write this and will be testing it this evening. More detailed
> reports welcome.
> Can others please update by replying to this mail with any updates
> either good or bad they have for me please.
> Regards,
> Peter
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