Peter; is back up now (daveb on #sugar reset database) so I could finally test soas builds.

tested a usb with soas-i386-20100405 (one of last that worked)
It does not connect to it.
I just stopped blueberry-direct which was connected to it so I know it is available...

after trying this usb I rebooted blueberry-direct and presence service still connects.

Tom Gilliard

I also tried yum install telepathy-gabble*
updates to:
still no connection

Peter Robinson wrote:
On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 1:29 PM, Peter Robinson <> wrote:
Hi All,

Sorry for my lack of response over the last week. I've been on
holidays and tried to stay offline as much as possible.

I think I've now caught up on most of the backlog of emails and other bits.

New points from the last week or so:
- New Record release 66. It should be appearing in nightly before
long. For those that want to test _NOW_ you can do a
' rpm -Uvh'
Please report success/failures

- All the final releases of sugar 0.88 should now be in the nightly
build so please test

- Problems with latest nightly builds. I'm downloading the current one
as I write this and will be testing it this evening. More detailed
reports welcome.

The problems with sugar starting should now be fixed when the next
build push it done. I've spent a number of hours this evening to
identify and test the problem and push out fixes to the package.

The issue is due to deprecated GTK symbols, bug reports are upstream
and need to be applied [1] [2].

Those that a chomping at the bit to test the fix can do so by running
"rpm -Uvh";
and you should have the sweetness of fixed Sugar once again....

Those not so adventurous can get it from a nightly build hopefully in
the next day or so as I've pushed the patched package straight to


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