On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 11:14 PM, Walter Bender <walter.ben...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 5:16 PM, pbrobin...@gmail.com
> <pbrobin...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi SoaS people,
>> So the current Sugar Activity list for SoaS-4 stands as follows with
>> the justifications as to why they're included.
>> The basic idea is to include the core Sucrose/Fructose Activity list
>> (as long as they are actively maintained and work) and then a small
>> selection of Activities that are well supported and demonstrate the
>> features of the Sugar Learning platform such as the collaboration side
>> of it to contribute towards the K-6 side of SoaS's targets.
>> So the core sugar Fructose activities [1] list is:
>> Browse
>> Chat
>> EToys
>> Log
>> Pippy
>> Read
>> Terminal
>> TurtleArt
>> Write
>> These ones are also on the Fructose list but I'm not sure of their
>> status so we need to be convinced of their status:
>> Calculate
>> Image/ImageViewer
>> Jukebox
>> To the Fructose list we're adding:
>> Physics - Because this is a great demo example (quick demo).
>> Record - Because its useful and kids tend to like recording/photoing stuff.
>> xoirc - Because this helps us help them.
>> paint - K-6 and enjoyed by kids
>> memorize - K-6 and enjoyed by kids
>> speak - Good for voice demos
>> So the current planned inclusion list is as follows:
>> Browse
>> Chat
>> EToys
>> Log
>> Pippy
>> Read
>> Terminal
>> TurtleArt
>> Write
>> Physics
>> Record
>> xoirc
>> paint
>> memorize
>> speak
>> That currently gives us a list of 15 Activities. Its obviously not the
>> final list and I look forward to suggestions. Its not guaranteed the
>> above list remain the same. For example Read still does not work. And
>> we're not aiming to get to the same level of previous releases, its
>> currently not maintainable with the current SoaS resources.
>> Things to note are that the Activities need to be working, well
>> maintained, packaged in Fedora to be considered. To be in Fedora they
>> can't contain any binary blobs (if they have code that needs to be
>> compiled, that's fine but it must be done as per Fedora packaging
>> guidelines).
> Sorry that I have not been able to attend the SoaS meetings of late
> and perhaps this is covered in the meeting logs. What happened to the
> ideas discussed on the inclusion criteria page, which I can no longer
> find in the wiki?

No problems on the meetings, good point about the criteria, I'd
actually forgotten about them all together in the busyness that has
been the months since the last release. I'll follow up and find out.

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