On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 10:16 PM, pbrobin...@gmail.com
<pbrobin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi SoaS people,
> So the current Sugar Activity list for SoaS-4 stands as follows with
> the justifications as to why they're included.
> The basic idea is to include the core Sucrose/Fructose Activity list
> (as long as they are actively maintained and work) and then a small
> selection of Activities that are well supported and demonstrate the
> features of the Sugar Learning platform such as the collaboration side
> of it to contribute towards the K-6 side of SoaS's targets.
> So the core sugar Fructose activities [1] list is:
> Browse
> Chat
> EToys
> Log
> Pippy
> Read
> Terminal
> TurtleArt
> Write
> These ones are also on the Fructose list but I'm not sure of their
> status so we need to be convinced of their status:
> Calculate
> Image/ImageViewer
> Jukebox
> To the Fructose list we're adding:
> Physics - Because this is a great demo example (quick demo).
> Record - Because its useful and kids tend to like recording/photoing stuff.
> xoirc - Because this helps us help them.
> paint - K-6 and enjoyed by kids
> memorize - K-6 and enjoyed by kids
> speak - Good for voice demos
> So the current planned inclusion list is as follows:
> Browse
> Chat
> EToys
> Log
> Pippy
> Read
> Terminal
> TurtleArt
> Write
> Physics
> Record
> xoirc
> paint
> memorize
> speak

One other activity that I think would be good to add is Abacus, having
seen how easy it is to hack on at POSSE I think its probably good for
both that and maths somewhere in the K-6 range.

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