You could try:

Prebuilt for Sun VB
just import OVF (3 files ) see:

Done a while ago. As I remember It worked fine.
Hint: If you install with "liveinst" (Anaconda) from Mirabelle .iso 
terminal as root,there is no need for a persistent overlay. It installs 
ext3 file system on the virtualbox HD

(Mount CD as .iso after creating HD in VB before running it) This method 
also works with OSE VB.

Use USB's of 4GB size if possible with 1200 persistence use 
liveusb-creator (win or linux) or

Script if using fedora:
> ./livecd-iso-to-disk  --format --reset-mbr --overlay-size-mb 1200 
> /home/xxxt/Desktop/xxxx.iso /dev/sd(g)*
*/dev/sd( ) is found in terminal with "mount" it will show 
/(dev/sdb-sdc-sdd-sde) as device name for your USB

 >be careful here as it can wipe your PC's HD if you get it wrong!

Tom Gilliard

Sameer Verma wrote:
> Hello from Jamaica!
> I've been trying to set up SoaS Mirabelle for some kids while I'm in
> Jamaica for our OLPC deployments. SoaS on USB has been a hit or miss,
> but I realize that it has to do with brands, partition etc. The
> VirtualBox approach hasn't been pretty either. Every time the VM locks
> up and has to be reset, it refuses to boot a second time. I'm using a
> persistent home using instructions from
> Not sure why the vm refuses to boot (says unable to mount root?) but
> it looks like a persistent overlay related problem. Am I missing
> something?
> cheers,
> Sameer
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