On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 10:36 AM, Thomas C Gilliard
<satel...@bendbroadband.com> wrote:
> You could try:
> Prebuilt for Sun VB
> just import OVF (3 files ) see:
> http://people.sugarlabs.org/Tgillard/soas-v3-MirabelleREADME_FIRST.txt
> Done a while ago. As I remember It worked fine.
> -----------------------------
> Hint: If you install with "liveinst" (Anaconda) from Mirabelle .iso terminal
> as root,there is no need for a persistent overlay. It installs ext3 file
> system on the virtualbox HD
> (Mount CD as .iso after creating HD in VB before running it) This method
> also works with OSE VB.
> Use USB's of 4GB size if possible with 1200 persistence use liveusb-creator
> (win or linux) or
> Script if using fedora:
>> ./livecd-iso-to-disk  --format --reset-mbr --overlay-size-mb 1200
>> /home/xxxt/Desktop/xxxx.iso /dev/sd(g)*
> */dev/sd( ) is found in terminal with "mount" it will show
> /(dev/sdb-sdc-sdd-sde) as device name for your USB
>>be careful here as it can wipe your PC's HD if you get it wrong!
> Tom Gilliard
> satellit

Thanks a bunch, Tom. Got your files and built the VM successfully. We
will be using a customized version of this VM for teacher training
here in Jamaica.

There's a part of the instructions on the SoaS page
(http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/VirtualBox/Preparing_a_disk_image) which
deals with resolution changes via xorg.conf Mirabelle doesn't have a
xorg.conf Does this imply just putting the xorg.conf in /etc/X11/ ?


> Sameer Verma wrote:
>> Hello from Jamaica!
>> I've been trying to set up SoaS Mirabelle for some kids while I'm in
>> Jamaica for our OLPC deployments. SoaS on USB has been a hit or miss,
>> but I realize that it has to do with brands, partition etc. The
>> VirtualBox approach hasn't been pretty either. Every time the VM locks
>> up and has to be reset, it refuses to boot a second time. I'm using a
>> persistent home using instructions from
>> http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/VirtualBox/Preparing_a_disk_image
>> Not sure why the vm refuses to boot (says unable to mount root?) but
>> it looks like a persistent overlay related problem. Am I missing
>> something?
>> cheers,
>> Sameer
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