On 08/30/2010 02:43 PM, pbrobin...@gmail.com wrote:
> Yes, Its a know problem that I'm actually looking at now. There's been
> alot of changes in Fedora 14 over the last couple of weeks with
> various major upstream changes which has caused some major churn. I
> hope to have it fixed in the next couple of days but I can't promise
> anything as work is extremely busy at the moment.
> Peter

Fwiw, the logs do point to an SELinux issue. Peter, is there a bug 
already filed?

In the meantime, to test sugar, you can go back to an old version and 
update just the sugar packages:

yum update --enablerepo=updates-testing sugar sugar-toolkit 
sugar-datastore sugar-presence-service sugar-artwork telepathy-salut 

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