
I have used selinux=0 and init=/sbin/upstart command line options with no change in behavior on previous builds. I retested here.

Latest Build:

1-(boot with : selinux=0) soas-i386-20100829.17.iso seems to get hung up on NetworkManager:

nm-dispatcher_action: Invalid connection: '(null)' / 'connection setting not found' invalid : 1

but it says
eth0: link down and
eth0 link up when cable is unplugged/plugged after this.

2- (boot with : selinux=0 init=/sbin/upstart) soas-i386-20100829.17.iso

stops at starting abrt daemon

3- regular boot stops at end of smolt hardware profile when it should switch to gdm screen goes blank and off color.


soas-i386-20100828.21 behaves exactly the same way...

Tom Gilliard
satellit wrote:
On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 3:38 PM, Simon Schampijer <> wrote:
On 08/30/2010 02:43 PM, wrote:
Yes, Its a know problem that I'm actually looking at now. There's been
alot of changes in Fedora 14 over the last couple of weeks with
various major upstream changes which has caused some major churn. I
hope to have it fixed in the next couple of days but I can't promise
anything as work is extremely busy at the moment.

Fwiw, the logs do point to an SELinux issue. Peter, is there a bug
already filed?

Not as yet, I'm going through a number of things today and should
hopefully have it all done later.

In the meantime, to test sugar, you can go back to an old version and
update just the sugar packages:

Or alternatively to rule selinux in or out Thomas could you do the
following when booting the live image:

At the initial boot screen hit the tab key and the bootline it gives
your add "selinux=0" to the end of the line and hit enter and let me
know if that helps.


yum update --enablerepo=updates-testing sugar sugar-toolkit
sugar-datastore sugar-presence-service sugar-artwork telepathy-salut

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