On Sun, Sep 12, 2010 at 10:00 AM, Sebastian Dziallas <sebast...@when.com> wrote:
> This is your friendly reminder for tomorrow's Sugar on a Stick meeting at 
> 1900 UTC in #sugar-meeting. You can find the agenda here: 
> http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Sugar_on_a_Stick_meetings#Agenda

Short version: No meeting tomorrow.

Longer version:

Sebastian just pinged me and he and I are both hosed, so in the
absence of a quorum, we're going to cancel the meeting. Folks are more
than welcome (in fact, encouraged!) to gather and hack on SoaS in our
absence - if there's anything we're doing that's blocking you from
doing what you'd like to do with SoaS, please let this list know so
that we can mutually unblock each other.

I know that life has personally been incredibly hectic for me lately
and I've been having trouble keeping up with SoaS; sometime in the
next 2 weeks (likely around September 20th) I'll be putting aside a
good chunk of time to reassess my personal availability and bandwidth,
and may need to call for a great deal of help around then. I can't
speak for the other members of the release team, but it seems to me
that all of us have been hit with a lot of non-SL work around the same
time, so it may be time to step back, take a breather, and look at
what we realistically are going to be able to do.

Questions, comments, etc welcome, as usual. I'm not as quick on
list-reading and email responses as usual at the moment, but I'll try
to respond to anything that's sent with this email in Cc in the next
few days on the assumption that it's urgent business that only a
release team member (myself, Peter, Sebastian) can take care of.

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