On 23.11.2011, at 06:45, Thomas Gilliard wrote:

> Caryl;
> I know it requires using the terminal, but these 2 Soas-v5-Coconut .img files 
> may be the easiest way to build a number of booting SoaS USB sticks for your 
> presentation.
> The instructions (actual screen shots of terminal of the writing to the USB's 
> are included in these pages)
> The command in terminal can be repeated for each new USB that is inserted
> Note that the EFI 1 GB USB is written in less than 4 minutes.
> 1-) PC
> http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Community/Distributions/Fedora-SoaS#dd_writable_2GB_USB_Soas-v5-Coconut-USB_.img
> 2-) Macbook EFI Boot:
> http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Community/Distributions/Fedora-SoaS#dd_writable_1_GB_EFI_Boot_.28MAC.29_USB_Soas-v5-Coconut-USB_.img
> Just be sure to enter "mount" in terminal to see the device name for your USB 
> ie: /dev/sdb; /dev/sdc; /dev/sdc......   It is VERY IMPORTANT to have this 
> set correctly.
> Cordailly;
> Tom Gilliard
> satellit_ on #sugar IRC

I tried the Mac EFI one. Used the image-writer-mac (*) script to dd it onto the 

It booted my MacBook Pro, I saw the 10 second Fedora pre-boot count down, but 
after that I just got a blank screen.

- Bert -

(*) I have a minor update at
Could someone with SoaS write permissions replace this on the release server?

[converting this into an AppleScript would be the simplest to avoid having to 
use the Terminal]
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