Try with a 2 GB USB, the sizes of 1 Gb sticks do vary (I used an old PN.Y 1 GB Stick) Yours could be slightly too small?

I have used this SoaS-15-1-EFI.img with 3 different brands and sizes of sticks after downloading a copy....
also look at:
Not all Mac's will work with an f16 EFI boot USB
My MacBook Pro is a i7 SandyBridge Model
My Smolt Mac Profile:

The stick does not run on my MacBook Air even after a nomodeset is added to the boot line.

Various Models of Mac's seem to be all different...: (


Tom Gilliard

On 11/24/2011 10:33 AM, Bert Freudenberg wrote:
Same thing. image-writer-mac is nothing but a wrapper around dd preventing 
accidental writes to a non-USB drive.

- Bert -

On 24.11.2011, at 18:56, Thomas C Gilliard wrote:

Do it from Terminal. Not image-writer-mac !

This is a 1 GB USB that was imaged with dd.


Tom Gilliard
===Write to a 1 GB USB device===
sudo su
dd if=SoaS-15-1-EFI.img of=/dev/sd(x) bs=2M
489+1 records in
489+1 records out
1026555904 bytes (1.0 GB) copied, 216.577 s, 4.7 MB/s

On 11/24/2011 08:14 AM, Bert Freudenberg wrote:
On 23.11.2011, at 06:45, Thomas Gilliard wrote:


I know it requires using the terminal, but these 2 Soas-v5-Coconut .img files 
may be the easiest way to build a number of booting SoaS USB sticks for your 
The instructions (actual screen shots of terminal of the writing to the USB's 
are included in these pages)

The command in terminal can be repeated for each new USB that is inserted
Note that the EFI 1 GB USB is written in less than 4 minutes.

1-) PC

2-) Macbook EFI Boot:

Just be sure to enter "mount" in terminal to see the device name for your USB 
ie: /dev/sdb; /dev/sdc; /dev/sdc......   It is VERY IMPORTANT to have this set correctly.


Tom Gilliard
satellit_ on #sugar IRC
I tried the Mac EFI one. Used the image-writer-mac (*) script to dd it onto the 

It booted my MacBook Pro, I saw the 10 second Fedora pre-boot count down, but 
after that I just got a blank screen.

- Bert -

(*) I have a minor update at
Could someone with SoaS write permissions replace this on the release server?

[converting this into an AppleScript would be the simplest to avoid having to 
use the Terminal]
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