Curtiss is rightly worried -- as all nations and people
are -- that too much money means none of it works.

But he has Greenspan all wrong.  Guru G., whom
I disagree with because he is too much allied with
Curtiss and the Concord Coalition of deficit-
fearing hard money enthusiasts, promises to protect
the banking system only.

This is an absolute necessity to prevent a severe 

Once you make available to licensed banks, -- 
forced and able to pass many musters -- that is 
audits by the comptroller of the currency, the 
federal reserve, the fdic, etc., -- (to repeat) make 
available to these banks and their loan officers 
credit on the books of the central bank money 
enuf for them to continue to make loans to credit 
worthy borrowers at interest rates at least as 
high as the over-night bank rate imposed by the 
central bank, you ensure that business goes on 
BUT you do NOT risk hyperinflation.

Hyperinflation can only result IF THE LIMIT-
LESS money of the central bank and government
is SPENT on projects and programs that do not
create enough "meat for the table" for sale in your 
nations' markets.

In Germany money was printed to pay government
bills (not to create prudent bank loans at central 
bank controlled interest rates). 

Greenspan is Curtiss' ally in that he opposes fiscal
deficits and incresed debt.  He is also no fan of
social credit or other debt-free money.

He is my enemy -- he knows that our debt per-
centage to GDP is many times lower than we can 
afford. He knows that, by inflation measure standards, 
we can create a substantial infusion of debt-free money 
(as Social Credit insists) to alleviate human suffering 
without risk to the a good life for those who now 
enjoy it.

He knows that his refusal to to sympathize with the
hungry children living without medical care, or with
homeless families, is inexcusable. He will never enter
heaven because if God does not know how terrible
these hard-money guys are, I will tell Him myself.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: W. Curtiss Priest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
...<snip>... [see original message]

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