Dear Activeco,

        The Arab scholars spoke to the issue you raise.
        Although it takes no special scholarship or wisdom
        to appreciate what they said:  There is no "Jewish
        terrorism" -- except of the kind that killed Rabin
        and was represented by the man who attacked a 
        Mosque a couple of years ago.  

        There are Israeli actions in their continuing
        war to secure their state. Some of those actions
        are not supported by me or by the leader of the
        Israeli Labor party, General Mitzna (if memory
        serives). The General supports a unuilateral 
        evacuation of a place to become a 23rd Arab
        State in the Middle East -- to be called Palestine.

        I did not and do not want to debate Israel.
        Islamist terrorists did 911. They have declared
        war on America.  They must be defeated.

        John Gelles

----- Original Message ----- 
To: Social Credit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2003 1:57 AM
Subject: Re: [SOCIAL CREDIT] American Religious Freedom, Tolerance, even Love

On 18 Feb 2003 at 17:16, John Gelles wrote:

>         Perhaps all extremists in all faiths are pretty 
>         much the same devils. But these Arab 
>         scholars (who embrace the Hurst-Ryan creed)
>         made a case for Americans to take care NOT 
>         to be tolerant of intolerant dogmatism and mur-
>         der -- be it associated with Hitlerism, Stalinism, 
>         Sadamism or Islamic terrorism, as defined by 
>         Osama Bin Laden, Islamic Ghiad and similar 
>         enemies of the people and principle of freedom
>         of religion of the United States.

If you want to be fair please don't forget Jewish terrorism. Thanks.

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