William Ryan wrote:

> So the protagonists of "debt fallacy" play right into
> the hands of those in control by their promotion of
> such a ridiculous argument.  Nobody pays attention to
> them because they are buffoons.

I agree with you completely here.  There is no "miracle cure" that will
solve any of our problems.  The "Debt virus" is certainly not one that cure.
A friend of mine and I sat down and worked on it for a few hours last week,
and successfully built a micro-model system that charged 50% interest and
had zero inflation in the first year, and zero debt.  Of course there was
also zero economic growth.  Add in growth and you need a little debt each
year, don't you?

It's a very complex system, but at least we can observe its real effects.
If we can figure out a useful and *marketable* way to change things so that
fewer people went hungry while others accumulated more than they could ever
use, and maybe peacefully take back control of our society, I'd be all over

Because (and I know Cal agrees) violence is not the way to solve anything,
and I don't want things to start getting violent here in the U.S.  I mean,
it's always been really violent, but maybe there's a better way.


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