Money, etc., reform and a digital visual library have been
combined in the current text at   Comment
will be appreciated.

The President yesterday endorsed an end to income tax
in favor of a progressive consumption tax -- a sales tax
of 20% with food and medicine exempt and a cash
compensatory check to all who earn less than can afford
the tax.

The plan for this kind of a consumption tax to replace
the incomprehensible income tax and to come close to
a citizens dividend for people who ought to receive one
has been around for years. This is the first time it has
received Presidential endorsement -- although the
change will be opposed by those who sell loopholes
(lawmakers and lobbyists) and those who do taxes
for money (accountants, tax preparers). Look for the
change in ten years.

My news came from NBC TV and it may be more than
is posted to the Whitehouse site -- which I have not

John Gelles

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