Dear Debt Free Money Advocates,
In my view our concrete goals, if completely disclosed, are
the best measure of our philosophy.  As the man said,
"Tell me what you want to DO -- not what you
want the world to believe is true."
As I have claimed before: Social credit is not new Holy
Writ. Its goals are more important than its current
expressible models.

If we can get voters to demand debt-free money and to
prescribe government responsibility and spending for
national and homeland security and support for demo-
cracy AND human rights everywhere and for the material
necessities for people who lack them, we will have done
the work of the social credit movement and party.
I include my message of yesterday , below, because
it got misaligned in my new PC set up,
John Gelles      
Inflation protected savings  should
replace taxes so that public needs
are met  and  living wages earned
with no involuntary unemployment.

Dear Wally and Fellow Philosophers and Men of Good Will,

1. PC wants "persons" of good will. OK. Consider it done.

2. I pose thought experiments as follows:

    a. We create a "virtual Jew" in a huge computer. Its memory
bank has all the fair, complete, and coherent Jewish law trans-
formed into an operational code. We add to the memory bank
fair, accurate and large samples of practice as evidenced by
the historical record and current empirical research. This prac-
tice adds to the aforesaid operational code. We now can
observe our VJ in simulated action.

    b. We create a "virtual Gentile" and do all the above to
observe a VG in simulated action. If "Gentile" is not possible
we create a dozen virtual ethno/religious types like American
Irish Catholic, Dutch Protestant, Hong Kong Chinese
Buddhist, etc.

    c. We simulate tests of our virtual people in a future social
credit world to see how they get on.

3. In my view, our simulations will show that the thousands
of years of ethnic development have lost controlling power.
That all our VJ's and VG's will be the same.  That personality,
based on inherited biology and CURRENT events makes all
the difference.

4. Also, as my website reports, "what we believe in makes all
the difference" -- NOT what we do or should know for sure --
and my virtual people will prove, I believe, that what we believe
in is personal and not common to an ethno-religio-philosopho-

5. Now let us get down to practicalities: Social credit is not new
Holy Writ. Its goals are more important than its current expressible

6. If we can get people to use debt-free money, we must be happy.

7. If we can get them to prescribe government responsibility and
spending for national and homeland security and support of demo-
cracy AND human rights everywhere and for the material necessities
for people who lack them, we must be happy.  Etc. Etc.
. . .


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