Yes, but the particular set of rules is a human
construct.  It is something other than a natural
phenomenon, awaiting discovery.  The market in which
there is undeniably a "hidden hand" is the function
of that human construct that we can improve by
consciously changing the rules.

The focus of attention for social credit is the
financial system, or more specifically the banking or
monetary system.  We attribute most market failure
not to free enterprise per se, but the financial
system under which free enterprise operates.  So we
generally support laissez-faire in markets but
intervention in finance.

Unlike Keynesians or socialists, we advocate the
payment of dividends directly to consumers and let
them decide themselves how they will spend it.

We assume that Say's Law is invalid in anything other
than a barter economy.


----Original Message Follows---- From: Pat Gunning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [SOCIAL CREDIT] Permanently abundant resources? Date: Sun, 26 Oct 2003 09:52:09 +0800


The new approach to economics is premised on the facts that resources are permanently abundant and the physical capacity to consume is permanently limited.

Resources become abundant through continuing discovery, development and innovation.

William, would you go on to say that the discovery, development and innovation are premised on the existence of a particular kind of economic system, or set of rules for action? And that without those rules, resources would not become abundant.

Pat Gunning, Feng Chia University, Taiwan;
Web pages on Praxeological Economics, Democracy, Taiwan, Ludwig von Mises, Austrian
Economics, and my University Classes;

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