> Tuc at T-B-O-H.NET wrote:
> > 2) I set up the watchdog last nite. I set it for 120 seconds. About 
> > 15 minutes ago it rebooted while the device was still operational. 
> > I think thats what I ran into previously, that it would reboot
> > when it was still running fine. I previously set it for 15 and then
> > 30 seconds. I thought 120 would be WAY more than necessary..
> It's not enough to enable the watchdog timer, you also need to run a 
> daemon to periodically clear the timer.
> Please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Watchdog_timer
> Whereever you found instructions on how to set the watchdog timer, you 
> should also be able to find pointers to the matching daemon.
> Cheers, Jan
        Sorry, I didn't use complete thoughts or terminology.  I did 
start the daemon. When you start it, it takes the timeout in seconds
and the sleep between pokes in seconds.  So I have it "nap" for 15 
seconds, and poke the timer. Technically if it "misses" 8 pokes, it 
should reboot. It ran for about 10 hours and rebooted on me. I had
a screen running on it that showed it was operational to within 5
seconds of when it rebooted.

        So yes, the daemon is running, and because I use the 
command line options :

     watchdogd [-d] [-e cmd] [-I file] [-s sleep] [-t timeout]

        Like :

        watchdogd -s 15 -t 120

        it should be operating correctly. But about 10 hours in,
it seems the system was still operational within 5 seconds of
the time it rebooted. I've now changed it to :

        watchdogd -s 120 -t 1200

        and will see if it "misfires".

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