On Wed, Nov 07, 2007 at 10:26:42AM -0500, David Burke wrote:
> NOTE: I am using
> http://pyramid.metrix.net/trac/wiki/InstallingPyramid/PxeBootWin as a guide.
> 1)  Here are the exact contents of my "pxelinux.cfg/default file".  Remember
> this is being done on a Windows machine so I have replaced the / with \ and
> even tried it without.
> SERIAL 0 19200
> DEFAULT \vmlinuz-2.4.22-pebble console=ttyS0,19200,n8 initrd=initrd.img
> ramdisk_size=8192 root=/dev/ram0

Hmm, I would expect this to use '/' (because the client is Linux), but this
*is probably* stripped off by the client before it is put in the TFTP packet.
Wireshark would confirm this one way or the other.

Maybe it's worth writing this text file in Unix format, i.e. with \n as the
line break instead of \r\n. Just a guess.

> 4)  Below is a dump from TFTPD32.  I do not understand where the filenames
> linux.cbt, linux.0 and linux.com are coming from.  

But this happens *after* pxelinux.0 and pxelinux.cfg/default have been
successfully downloaded? Strange.

Maybe it would be easier if you were to boot from the Pyramid LiveCD
instead. All this stuff has been put together and tested for you :-)


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