Am 14.04.11 17:05, schrieb Steve Clark:
> On 04/14/2011 10:04 AM, Marc Balmer wrote:
>> Am 13.04.11 04:08, schrieb Ryan Whelan:
>>> Watching the mailing list, it -seems- like BSDs are more prevalent on
>>> the soekris platforms then Linux.  I've only ever used Linux ( a custom
>>> Buildroot build and hand-rolled kernel ).  I am NOT trying to troll, and
>>> I know this is a technical mailing list, but I'm really curious why
>>> those that chose BSDs chose them?  Without being a BSD user, I'm hoping
>>> to get some insight into what I don't know.
>>> I really want to know the reasons for the decision, not start a flame
>>> war- I promise
>> Here is why _we_ use *BSD:  Because the license matters for us.  The GPL
>> mandates to make changes public again, publish source code and such.
>> The BSD license has no such requirments.  It usually just says keep the
>> copright intact.  That is very liberal and useful for when we do
>> embedded stuff.
>> So for a start, compare the GPL and the BSD/ISC/MIT licenses, and you
>> will spot differences.
> I guess that attitude is ok if you always want to be a taker and never a
> giver.

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