  I would go with flashrd since OpenSoekris has not been updated since circa 
2004. OpenSoekris only exists as a history of what has been done in the past.

Ron Rosson

On Apr 15, 2011, at 3:23 PM, Ed Flecko wrote:

> Hi folks,
> As I look at the various ways of setting up my 4501, some of you
> (thank you!) pointed me to the flashrd website.
> I'm trying to "wrap my head around":
> 1.) What's the difference between the OpenSoekris and flashrd?
> I "think" they're basically just scripts that you run on an existing
> OpenBSD install to create an image that can then be written to your
> CF, is that right? I found the following instructions at:
> http://www.nmedia.net/flashrd/install.html
>    cd ~
>    tar xzf flashrd-YYYYMMDD.tar.gz
>    cd flashrd-YYYYMMDD
>    ./flashrd -disk sd2 /tmp/openbsd
>    ./cfgflashrd -disk sd2 -rdroot szez-ARCH.DATE
> 2.) Am I right so far?
> Once you've written the image to your CF, you just plug it back into
> your Soekris (I'm guessing), but how do you actually configure the
> Soekris (i.e., set up NIC interfaces, configure PF, etc.)?
> 3.) Do you, somehow, configure your image in advance of writing it to
> the CF or you do that after you've written it to the flash???
> I'm confused about this process, so if someone could shed a little
> light on the steps that need to be taken, that would be great!
> Thank you,
> Ed
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