On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 5:01 PM, Guillaume Filion <g...@logidac.com> wrote:
> You're right, CRYPTO_DEV_GEODE creates module geode-aes, but from what
> I understand it's only used by the kernel. OpenSSL doesn't support it
> and I couldn't find a patch.

With the speed of the Geode CPU in a 5501, you'd likely not see a
significant (if any) improvement in speed when using userland programs
like OpenSSL with onboard crypto accelerators. The context-switch from
userland to kernel for the crypto processing will be much more
expensive than the crypto itself. I ran some old benchmarks of the
crypto processor in the Geode LX (can't seem to find them now), but
with a patched OpenSSL I didn't see any real improvement versus
letting software do the whole thing.

In short, crypto accelerators in SBCs like the Soekris are more for
in-kernel crypto processing (like aes-encrypted disks and IPSec), and
less for userland processing. Obviously I don't know what you're
trying to do with OpenSSL, but in my own experience having crypto
accelerator support in userland gave me no measurable benefit.

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