On Wed, Feb 18, 2015 at 02:21:22PM +0000, Conrad Kostecki wrote:
> The net5501 manual states:
> Please note that there is limited power available for the three PCI
> expansion connectors.  There are only 20W available on the 3.3V
> power pins and 5V pins combined.  If a 2.5” hard disk is used, it
> will also need to share the available power.  An onboard DC-DC
> converter supplies +12V @ 0.3A and 12V @ 0.1A to the PCI connector.
> If the board is powered by 12V then a bypass circuit will supply up
> to 1A of the 12V to the PCI connector.

Thank you! From this I'm can guess that my issue may not be the OS
upgrade from OpenBSD 5.2 to 5.5. It might be that when I upgraded to
5.5 I also turned on the automatic CPU throttling. It might be a good
guess that my power situation was marginal before and that allowing
the CPU to throttle up to higher speed is occasionally dropping the
power below what the level where the PCI bus remains stable? That
will be rather easy to test. One thing I do know is that the Intel
gigabit boards generate a lot of heat. In fact the heat is the reason
I upgraded to the larger rack mount case.


      __o          "All I was trying to do was get home from work."
    _`\<,_           -Rosa Parks
Christopher Sean Hilton                    [chris/at/vindaloo/dot/com]
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