When I originally saw this thread I didn't think much about it but
given my experience, it makes sense. I'm not sure that there's a place
in the market for the Net6801. Consider that there are several Intel
Atom based machines which are only slightly more expensive than the
current Net6501-70. Many of these machines are based on motherboards
designed by and build by or for Intel. These machines take commodity
RAM and Power Supplies so they are cheaper to initially configure and
to maintain.

Purchase cost in order:

     Net6501-50, standard case: ....................... $346 / $163
     Net6501-70, standard case: ....................... $470 /  $39
     Net6501-50, 1U case: ............................. $473 /  $36
     SuperMicro SYS-5018A-FTN4, 1U case, no RAM: ...... $509 / ---- 
     Net6501-70, 1U case: ............................. $597 / -$88

The problem with the Net6801 is that there is no price point for it.


      __o          "All I was trying to do was get home from work."
    _`\<,_           -Rosa Parks
Christopher Sean Hilton                    [chris/at/vindaloo/dot/com]

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