On Thu, Jan 31, 2019 at 12:42:38PM -0700, Bryan wrote:

[ ...snip... ]
> Soekris is really missing out on this I think.  As you mention, there is
> still demand for the net6501 and nothing really available to replace it.

I think that if the demand were there, someone would have bought the
assets from Soren and continued the line. But In this case, I think
that our requirements were actually quite specialized. That's why no
one replaced Soren. Further, I think that this market will be
completely absorbed by Raspberry Pi over the long haul.

The Soekris machines are great if you are looking for a relatively
large amount of computing power in a low wattage, small form-factor
platform. But they fell short on memory capacity and eventually
price. I've replaced all of my Soekris Net65xx units with SuperMicro
1U machines that use Intel Atom D525 based motherboards. I did this
because the Net65xxs all succumbed to the "Red Light of Death". Used,
the D525 units are cheaper than the Net6501 and you can have up to
either 8G or 16G of ram at "Best Buy" prices. The machines I have are
in Front access 1U chassis that are three times as deep as the
Soekris. Stock they don't have the same network density as a Soekris
but the motherboard is dual port Intel Gigabit and Intel Gigabit cards
cost $20 / port on Amazon in 1x, 2x, and 4x varieties.

I don't mean to disrepect the Soekris stuff. In it's day it was
awesome but now that the Net6501s have begun to hit the "dying limb of
the bathtub curve", there are other options so I'm not going to cry
for them.

[ ...snip... ]


     __o          "All I was trying to do was get home from work."
   _`\<,_           -Rosa Parks
Christopher Sean Hilton                    [chris/at/vindaloo/dot/com]
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