My host is a RedHat Enterprise 3.0 platform.  I only want to demonstrate to
myself the Sofia-SIP REGISTER and INVITE transactions.

I can build sofia-sip-1.12.4 and sofia-options-client-example-1.12.4 without
error, but when I try to build sofsip-cli-0.1.12 it needs glib-2.0, and then
it needs gstreamer-0.10.  I found a gstreamer-0.10.4, but it needs glib-2.6
which I found, but then gets an undefined reference to
"xmlReaderForFd".  And it looks like sofsip-cli-0.1.12 needs a lot of other
things that I don't have.  I don't have two weeks time to exhaust trying to
satisfy all the dependencies.

Is there any easy way to do this?

Thanks Much

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