Hi Mike,

I'm glad to hear from you and hope that this will be a new (re)start of Sofia.

Unfortunately I'm afraid that my position is similar to Nikos: I don't think that I'm experienced enough to analyze all changes made by FreeSWITCH... By the way, how far to the (git) history should the evaluation go? Will it be enough to check the master branch only?

It would be great if you could briefly describe FreeSWITCH strategy for keeping your version and the official Sofia branch synchronized. When or how often did you merge changes from Sofia to FreeSwitch and back?


On 8/11/2014 18:51, Michael Jerris wrote:
And I am back! Sorry for the delay. I do have access to gitorious... but its probably time to really fork this. We can probably move off of what we have in the freeswitch repo,but I'll need a volunteer to pick through the patches we have added in our tree, and see if we have hard-coded anything that really should be a tag. Is there anyone out there willing to contribute this?


On Aug 6, 2014, at 12:15 PM, Moises Silva <moises.si...@gmail.com <mailto:moises.si...@gmail.com>> wrote:

On Wed, Aug 6, 2014 at 4:44 AM, Petr Kuba <k...@optimsys.com <mailto:k...@optimsys.com>> wrote:

    Mike replied several time within last month. It's possible that
    he is just out of office for couple of days. Let's wait for a
    week or two and we will see...

He's at ClueCon (the FreeSWITCH conference) he told me has not checked email in a few days, and probably won't until next week


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