Ok cool Mike, I can try to come up with a draft of some activities to move
us in that direction and we can collaborate on that to get things going.

Best regards,

On Mon, Jul 17, 2017 at 6:39 PM, Michael Jerris <m...@jerris.com> wrote:

> Its still on my list…. but still not done.  Antonis, yeah, lets coordinate
> and see if we can figure out what needs to be done to make it happen.
> Mike
> On Jul 17, 2017, at 9:14 AM, Antonis Tsakiridis <
> antonis.tsakiri...@telestax.com> wrote:
> Ok thanks Moises for the useful feedback. I remember I had a discussion
> with Mike on hosting Sofia source independently of FreeSwitch, but I guess
> he didn't have time to organize this yet.
> @Mike, are there any updates on this?
> I think it would be invaluable to have a single place for Sofia (for
> example GitHub) where code is buildable and potentially testable (for
> example using Travis CI). Also with the advent of WebRTC + mobile we could
> all help in further adoption of Sofia in iOS (using CocoaPods potentially)
> + Android (potentially using JNI even though JAIN SIP is pretty used in
> Android world) and make the whole thing modular so that it's more easily
> usable in many platforms.
> At Telestax we have already integrated Sofia with iOS and using it with
> WebRTC for media for quite some time now, so I could definitely help in
> this effort on my free cycles.
> Best regards,
> Antonis
> On Thu, Jul 13, 2017 at 9:47 PM, Moises Silva <moises.si...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>>>    - Can I somehow differentiate commits that have to do with Sofia? I
>>>    see 'mod_sofia' in some commits. Is that it? I guess I could probably 
>>> come
>>>    up with a git command to only show changes inside libs/sofia-sip, but
>>>    wondering if the Freeswich folks used a convention
>>> The stack proper is in libs/sofia-sip/, all you need is 'git log
>> libs/sofia-sip'
>>>    - Can I find the last commit before Sofia was merged into Freeswitch
>>>    project? So that I can follow history and see which changes where made to
>>>    Sofia after the merge? Also which version of Sofia was Freeswitch 
>>> basedon?
>>>    Is it 1.12.11
>>> <https://gitorious.org/sofia-sip/sofia-sip?p=sofia-sip:sofia-sip.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/tags/1.12.11>
>>>    ?
>>> No idea. Mike might know. Otherwise, you'll have to follow the git
>> history and see if there are clues there.
>>>    - If I were to take Sofia from within the Freeswitch project and
>>>    copy it as an independent bundle, would autotools work in
>>>    configuring/making/installing etc? Or have dependencies been introduced
>>>    over time and now Sofia needs to have Freeswitch in order to work?
>>> I'm pretty sure there are no dependencies on FreeSWITCH, so you should
>> be able to just compile the library alone and use it.
> --
> Antonis Tsakiridis
> Lead Developer, Mobile SDKs at Telestax
> antonis.tsakiri...@telestax.com
> www.telestax.com

Antonis Tsakiridis
Lead Developer, Mobile SDKs at Telestax
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