Thanks for the replies, guys!
I stumbled across all this today, so I have no idea yet what and how can be done. That's why I'm asking.

I do my operator-prototyping in JScript at the moment, and planned to port it to C++ when they are fully working. Yet the idea not having to do the port to C++ is appealing, of course. Prototype in Python, compile when finished, and lean back...

Alok, did you just compile specific functions, or whole Softimage plugins with it? Would that be possible, compile all the usual SI callbacks for an operator? There are many differences in the SI Scripting and C++ API, after all.
A fact you have to deal with when porting from JScript to C++, too.

As I understand it, you rarely touch the C code generated by Cython, right? You could, but mainly it's just a means to get to a fast compile of a Python program.

Regarding UI widgets:
the idea is NOT to use PyQt, but somehow call those .net-windows-libs from Cython somehow. Sounds complicated, though.

On Tue, 17 Apr 2012 19:56:17 +0200, Alok Gandhi <> wrote:

Hi Eugen,

I used cython. It is really cool. But to use it efficiently you have to
really optimize your pyrex code, also use strongly caste your data type. I
think out of the box also it works pretty well for some less complicated
function prototypes.

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