To Guillaume:  Thanks for the heads-up!  Do you know of any example scripts
that demonstrate this?  I can't seem to assign materials to objects this
way.  Also I found 1 more: the ApplyShader command.

To Jo: Well I wasn't even aware of this GetEvaluationID/
GetHierarchicalEvaluationID!  I will definitely take a look at this.

On Fri, May 4, 2012 at 5:46 PM, jo benayoun <> wrote:

> Hey Nicolas,
> I know, this is not answering directly to your issue here, but rethinking
> to your problems (tracking FCurves, materials, etc) for the project you're
> working, I would ask why not building a custom scene graph (something
> relatively simple) where all nodes are just CRef (the encapsulated pointer
> to object should stay valid) pointing to SceneObjects. A custom scene graph
> would let you implement a faster visitor pattern that you could think of
> using the API, which would query the GetEvaluationID and
> GetHierarchicalEvaluationID (awesome to avoid to visit an entire branch -
> good for perfs) methods to track which scene objects is getting dirty. You
> could also register to "siOnObjectAdded" and "siOnObjectRemoved" events to
> keep your custom scene graph updated and aware to the scene. The scene
> graph would be built when your renderer gets initialized. Im quite sure, it
> doesnt fit your needs, but maybe it could help you to get new ideas :)
> A node of your scene graph, could be as simple as:
> """
> struct scenegraphnode
> {
>   /* next sibling  and children as linkedlist */
>   struct scenegraphnode *siblings[2];
>   /* previous dirty number */
>   ulong_t prev_dirty;
>   /* visitor to query the node */
>   void (*visit)(struct scenegraphnode *self, struct visitor v);
>   /* the actual ref */
>   XSI::CRef ref;
> };
> """
> Your "struct visitor" could be a struct checking the dirty count, and if
> it is not equal to the previous, in charge of getting the new material,
> fcurve, position, etc
> and sending those new informations to your renderer.
> again, just an idea ...
> -jo
> 2012/5/4 Nicolas Burtnyk <>
>> Thanks Steven!
>> I already use siOnConnectShader (and siOnDisconnectShader) to track
>> changes to the shader tree.  These don't get fired as a result of assigning
>> a material to an object.  siOnCreateShader only gets called when you create
>> a shader node and in fact partially fails at even that since it doesn't get
>> called when you create a material (which creates a shader as well).
>> Thanks for the tip on material assignment via drag & drop.  Kind of a
>> shame that it ends up calling CopyPaste command but it should be simple
>> enough to monitor for that command as well.
>> -Nicolas
>> On Fri, May 4, 2012 at 4:54 PM, Steven Caron <> wrote:
>>> have you tried... siOnCreateShader? i generated this event from the
>>> wizard and it seems to log a lot of relevant info. also there is
>>> siOnConnectShader
>>> " *Question*: Can material assignment happen without this command being
>>> run?  In other words, is catching this command sufficient for monitoring
>>> all the ways that a material can be assigned to an object?  I'm not very
>>> experienced with using Softimage, but I know that in Maya there are a
>>> million and one ways to assign materials. "
>>> -one could change the shader graph but not the material assignment.
>>> -one could 'drag and drop' a material from the material view in the
>>> explorer on to an object. that calls 'CopyPaste()' command. i have always
>>> been on the fence whether that command is good or bad)
>>> On Fri, May 4, 2012 at 4:39 PM, Nicolas Burtnyk 
>>> <>wrote:
>>>> Hi list people!
>>>> For my custom renderer, I'm trying to keep track of when materials get
>>>> assigned to objects.
>>>> This is part of an overall system which tracks changes to the scene so
>>>> that I can incrementally process only the parts of the scene that change
>>>> between renders.
>>>> Since there is no specific event that gets fired when a material is
>>>> assigned to an object (that I know of - please correct me if I'm wrong!),
>>>> I'm trying to use *siOnEndCommand *to catch the *AssignMaterial *command.
>>>>  *By the way Softimage devs: please add a OnMaterialAssigned event :)*
>>>> I have 1 question and 1 issue:
>>>> *Question*: Can material assignment happen without this command being
>>>> run?  In other words, is catching this command sufficient for monitoring
>>>> all the ways that a material can be assigned to an object?  I'm not very
>>>> experienced with using Softimage, but I know that in Maya there are a
>>>> million and one ways to assign materials.
>>>> *Issue*: While I'm correctly receiving the ApplyMaterial command in
>>>> the siOnEndCommand callback, I'm having trouble deciphering the command
>>>> arguments.
>>>> Basically I want to know the Material that was assigned and the
>>>> Object(s) it was assigned to.  Simple, right?
>>>> In the siOnEndCommand callback, I get the "Command" attribute from the
>>>> context and create a Command object from it.  I then retreive the arguments
>>>> using Command::GetArguments().  The ArgumentArray always has a count of 2
>>>> (whether I assign the material to 1 or more objects).
>>>> The second argument (ActionWhenLocalMaterialsOverlap) is irrelevant to
>>>> me.  The first argument is a CValueArray that has a CRef for the Material
>>>> being assigned as its first element and some mysterious CRef as its second
>>>> item.  *My issue is that I don't know what to do with this strange CRef
>>>> *.
>>>> Here is a concrete example:
>>>> I have 2 objects and 1 material in my scene and assign the material to
>>>> both objects in a single action:
>>>> Application.AssignMaterial("Sources.Materials.DefaultLib.Material,sphere,cylinder",
>>>> "siLetLocalMaterialsOverlap")
>>>> In the siOnEndCommand callback I get:
>>>> Command(Context(in_ctxt).GetAttribute(L"Command")).GetArguments()[0].GetValue()returns
>>>>  a CValueArray with 2 items.
>>>> Item 0 : CValue, m_t=siRef - this is a CRef to the Material being
>>>> assigned, as expected.  GetAsText() return
>>>> "Sources.Materials.DefaultLib.Material" and GetClassIDName() returns
>>>> "Material".  Good to go.
>>>> Item 1 : CValue, m_t=siRef - this is some kind of weird CRef that I
>>>> don't know how to handle.  GetAsText() returns "sphere,cylinder" and
>>>> GetClassIDName() returns "Object".  What do I do now?  How can I get those
>>>> objects as CRefs?  Do I have to tokenize the string and parse out the
>>>> object names?  It's not hard, but I'd like to do something cleaner if
>>>> possible.
>>>> Thanks!!
>>>> -Nicolas

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