Alternatively, you could write your data to a dictionary saved out to a
json file to that same path, and there wouldn't be errors ever.

On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 7:21 PM, Bradley Gabe <> wrote:

> Thanks Simon.
> Just an additional note, these preference PPG's are saved out in your user
> install location:
> ~/Autodesk/Softimage_2012.SAP/Data/Preferences
> If any of these stored PPG's were created using registered plugins that
> are removed in the future, XSI will log warnings complaining about missing
> Property definitions.
> You can stop the warning messages by clearing out the files in that
> directory.
> -B
> On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 6:30 PM, Simon Anderson <
>> wrote:
>> Thats pretty handy piee of code, especially for persisting data
>> Thanks
>> On Thu, Jun 28, 2012 at 2:40 AM, Bradley Gabe <> wrote:
>>> Don't forget, you can also create a custom PPG and install it into the
>>> user preferences. Once there, Softimage saves all the values out to disk
>>> each time you quit a session, so it will persist.
>>> I use this technique for all of my custom tools so as to prevent a
>>> buildup of PPG chaff under the SceneRoot (which has sadly become all too
>>> common).
>>> Here's a snippet of Python that demonstrates:
>>> findColl = win32com.client.Dispatch( "XSI.Collection" )
>>> findColl.items = 'preferences.MyStoredPPG'
>>> if findColl.count:
>>>     oPPG = findColl(0)
>>> else:
>>>     oPPG = CreateCustomPPGFunction()
>>>     Application.InstallCustomPreferences(oPPG, 'MyStoredPPG')
>>>     findColl.items = 'preferences.MyStoredPPG'
>>>     oPPG = findColl(0)
>>> Application.InspectObj(oPPG, '', 'MyStoredPPG', c.siLock, 0)
>> --
>> -------------------
>> Simon Ben Anderson
>> blog:

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