So still fumbling through some ICE modelling examples, and what is
bothering me right now is that when dealing with the polygon index
array displays as a big list of values for each isolated elements
attribute whereas I'm used to a per point array the values get
displayed on each point... is there a way to configure the polygon
index array to display on the polygons their value that I'm trying to
investigate? the big array list that disapears out of the screen is
hardly conducive to visually debug what is going on and I feel if at
least the values Im changing were next to the polygons where they came
from it might be easier to see what the heck is going on? :)

Am I right in thinking that the only way to get this is to change the
context to per point and display the per polgon index values Im trying
to see to the nearest point? that can't be right!



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