Am 17.08.2012 15:42, schrieb Jeff McFall:
If the render tree window is open and one assigns a new material to the 
selected object the window does not automatically refresh to show the new 

Not sure if this is intent or not but I often end up changing the wrong 
material because I expected my new material to be there

Even asked VRay support two days ago if this is related to the connection plugin, but no, it's a SI bug.

everything else is perfect


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Eugen Sares
Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2012 8:42 AM
Subject: Small Annoying Things

Hi list,
Softimage has one of the slickest interfaces known to man, but nothing's 
Let's be nit-picky for a moment... what glitches, small flaws or 
inconsistencies annoy you most in Softimage?
Any SPDL hacks worth doing when SI is installed freshly?
This is about polishing, not cool new features (borders are blurry of course).

Maybe the new developer team has nothing better to do (ha ha) and feels 
motivated to do a little mop-up...

Here we go:

- Render Tree
When multiple objects are selected and all share the same Material, the RT should not nag 
with the message "Update can't be done with two objects selected" and display 
that Material.
(besides, it says "two", even when more are selected) 3ds max can even display 
multiple shader trees... would this make sense?

- Material Manager
...should remember it's layout, expecially the horizontal divider.
There's a bug with the text input field of the Shader balls names. It sometimes 
does not update, and you have to type blindly. After pressing enter it updates, 

- Timeslider
When the Range Slider is moved, the timeslider should update with it 
interactively (does so in Maya).

- Project Manager
Would be nice if a double-click would open a scene in the list on the right 
hand side.

- Operator Stack
A double click on a Construction Mode Marker in the Explorer should activate 
that mode.
Also, highlighting the markers in some way (bold or different color or
whatever) would clarify which mode is active in the Stack, besides looking at 
the dropdown in the menu bar.

- Operator Context Menu
... should contain all Commands related to Operators. Now they are strewn across the 
interface - some are to find in menu Edit > Operator, others in MCP > Edit > 
"Collapse Operators" is a good example. Would you go looking for that in the 
MCP menu?
"Freeze" in the menu freezes everything below an operator, not the whole stack. Thus it could be 
named "Freeze down" or "Freeze all below" or whatever.

- Texture Projection Operator Stack
The "Texture_Projection_Def" property has buttons "Reset" and "Freeze" - 
somewhat hidden. Could reside in the Op Stack context menu as well.

- Texture Support
... should show parameters GeoX, GeoY, GeoZ by default. This can be fixed with 
a litte hack of texture.spdl.
I see no reason why it should not be possible to set the size of a TS 
numerically. I need this often.

-  "Texture_Projection_Def" property
Checkboxes U,V,W are off by default. Should be on, because when texture coords 
are outside the 0,0 - 1,0 range, textures render black, and the head-scratching 
3D-Coat AppLink for example shifts UVs around that way.

- UI graphics
The browse icon (...) besides a path input field tends to draw artifacts when 
the PPG is resized. Could be graphics driver related (GeForce 460 here).
Does one need to go for an expensive Quadro card for this?

- Render Region Options > "Use current Pass options" should be on by default.
Often enough I have drawn an Render Region, tweaked the render parameters in 
the Render Manager and wondered why nothing happens...

More to come...

Thanks for reading!
Best regards,

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