Is the new dev team making a list out of this?  This list is gold.  I'd
absolutely love to see this kind of stuff addressed in 2014.


On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 9:56 AM, Eugen Sares <> wrote:

> Am 17.08.2012 15:42, schrieb Jeff McFall:
>  If the render tree window is open and one assigns a new material to the
>> selected object the window does not automatically refresh to show the new
>> material
>> Not sure if this is intent or not but I often end up changing the wrong
>> material because I expected my new material to be there
> +1
> Even asked VRay support two days ago if this is related to the connection
> plugin, but no, it's a SI bug.
>> everything else is perfect
>> jeff
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: 
>> softimage-bounces@listproc.**<>[mailto:
>> softimage-bounces@**<>]
>> On Behalf Of Eugen Sares
>> Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2012 8:42 AM
>> To: softimage@listproc.autodesk.**com <>
>> Subject: Small Annoying Things
>> Hi list,
>> Softimage has one of the slickest interfaces known to man, but nothing's
>> perfect.
>> Let's be nit-picky for a moment... what glitches, small flaws or
>> inconsistencies annoy you most in Softimage?
>> Any SPDL hacks worth doing when SI is installed freshly?
>> This is about polishing, not cool new features (borders are blurry of
>> course).
>> Maybe the new developer team has nothing better to do (ha ha) and feels
>> motivated to do a little mop-up...
>> Here we go:
>> - Render Tree
>> When multiple objects are selected and all share the same Material, the
>> RT should not nag with the message "Update can't be done with two objects
>> selected" and display that Material.
>> (besides, it says "two", even when more are selected) 3ds max can even
>> display multiple shader trees... would this make sense?
>> - Material Manager
>> ...should remember it's layout, expecially the horizontal divider.
>> There's a bug with the text input field of the Shader balls names. It
>> sometimes does not update, and you have to type blindly. After pressing
>> enter it updates, however.
>> - Timeslider
>> When the Range Slider is moved, the timeslider should update with it
>> interactively (does so in Maya).
>> - Project Manager
>> Would be nice if a double-click would open a scene in the list on the
>> right hand side.
>> - Operator Stack
>> A double click on a Construction Mode Marker in the Explorer should
>> activate that mode.
>> Also, highlighting the markers in some way (bold or different color or
>> whatever) would clarify which mode is active in the Stack, besides
>> looking at the dropdown in the menu bar.
>> - Operator Context Menu
>> ... should contain all Commands related to Operators. Now they are strewn
>> across the interface - some are to find in menu Edit > Operator, others in
>> MCP > Edit > Operator.
>> "Collapse Operators" is a good example. Would you go looking for that in
>> the MCP menu?
>> "Freeze" in the menu freezes everything below an operator, not the whole
>> stack. Thus it could be named "Freeze down" or "Freeze all below" or
>> whatever.
>> - Texture Projection Operator Stack
>> The "Texture_Projection_Def" property has buttons "Reset" and "Freeze" -
>> somewhat hidden. Could reside in the Op Stack context menu as well.
>> - Texture Support
>> ... should show parameters GeoX, GeoY, GeoZ by default. This can be fixed
>> with a litte hack of texture.spdl.
>> I see no reason why it should not be possible to set the size of a TS
>> numerically. I need this often.
>> -  "Texture_Projection_Def" property
>> Checkboxes U,V,W are off by default. Should be on, because when texture
>> coords are outside the 0,0 - 1,0 range, textures render black, and the
>> head-scratching begins.
>> 3D-Coat AppLink for example shifts UVs around that way.
>> - UI graphics
>> The browse icon (...) besides a path input field tends to draw artifacts
>> when the PPG is resized. Could be graphics driver related (GeForce 460
>> here).
>> Does one need to go for an expensive Quadro card for this?
>> - Render Region Options > "Use current Pass options" should be on by
>> default.
>> Often enough I have drawn an Render Region, tweaked the render parameters
>> in the Render Manager and wondered why nothing happens...
>> More to come...
>> Thanks for reading!
>> Best regards,
>> Eugen

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