so you need to reassign and preserve cluster info? there is a pretty good
chance any clusters made by the user will no longer be aligned with your
new data, so preserving the old data would be quite difficult from my
perspective. also any topological operators will fail to be useful. from
what i can gather from your task you will need to remove the entire
operator stack, storing supported ops, then rebuild the mesh and re apply
the operators. maybe you give some more info about what you are trying to

also the rendertree/materials will stay intact on the object, unless you
mean cluster/per face materials?

On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 8:48 AM, Kamen Lilov <>wrote:

> On 8/20/2012 10:29 PM, Steven Caron wrote:
>> i have never tried to do such a thing but i think you have the right
>> idea, at least thats what i gather from reading the CMeshBuilder class
>> documentation. i would be weary of the clusters on the new mesh... maybe
>> purge clusters before rebuilding?
>>  That's my main problem... I need to dump any previous vertices, recreate
> the geometry using CMeshBuilder, reassign clusters to individual faces, but
> preserve clusters, their render trees, operators, etc.

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