Inconclusive so far, that comment was based strictly on how the code appeared. Haven't been able to test it yet: I've been sidetracked by a more insidious problem (see other thread) where Softimage insists on using its own Python rather than the system's on some of our boxes... (seems we might have to resort to installing pywin locally on each one, since we can't get pywin to play ball from our network site-packages).


On 8/24/2012 2:09 PM, Steven Caron wrote:
so you are confirming the development of the ui using qt designer and .ui/.uic files is more dynamic? refreshes when you expect it to?


On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 6:55 AM, Tim Crowson < <>> wrote:

    Ah! I think I was looking at an older Example file. Looking at
    this new one, yeah, that seems like a good way to go.

    Good to know about the Pick Session stuff. Thanks!


    On 8/23/2012 6:13 PM, Steven Caron wrote:
    1) you can launch softimage code from a pyqt app, so use a normal
    pickelement, pickobject, or pickposition. then process the return
    values in your python code.

    2) i haven't done enough development using uic files so i haven't
    the experience with this but could you instead use the way of using uic files and let me know if that


    On Thu, Aug 23, 2012 at 2:01 PM, Tim Crowson
    <>> wrote:

        Finally found some time to get Steve Caron's PyQtForSoftimage
        plugin up and running. Working great so far! Big thanks to
        Steve and any other contributors! Among other things, I'm
        impressed with how much more responsive PyQt is in pulling
        data from Shotgun.

        I have two questions:

        1) Are Pick Sessions possible?

        2)  I'm having an issue where my PyQt UIs don't refresh
        unless I restart Soft. Instead of compiling a .ui file, or
        even coding the UI by hand in the constructor, I'm using
        Pyqt4.uic to interpret the UI at runtime. Like so...
        from PyQt4 import uic
        from PyQt4.QtGui import QMainWindow

        form_class = uic.loadUiType(r"Path\to\my\uiFile.ui")

        class MainWindow( QMainWindow, form_class ):
            def __init__(self, parent):
                QMainWindow.__init__(self, parent)

        def XSILoadPlugin( in_reg ):
            in_reg.Name = "someTool"
            in_reg.Author = "Tim Crowson"
            in_reg.RegisterCommand( "someTool" )

        def someTool_Execute():
            import sip
            sianchor = Application.getQtSoftimageAnchor()
            sianchor = sip.wrapinstance( long(sianchor), QMainWindow )
            ui = MainWindow( sianchor )
        So far, this works really well. I'm getting my form_class
        outside any class or function definition, so Softimage runs
        this at startup. But this means that my form_class does not
        get updated by simply 'Reloading' the plugin or running
        'Update All' from the plugin manager (should it?). I have to
        actually restart Softimage to see any UI updates. I'm
        wondering how I can go this route and update my UI without
        having to restart Soft.

        *Tim Crowson
        */Lead CG Artist/

        *Magnetic Dreams Animation Studio, Inc.
        *2525 Lebanon Pike, Building C. Nashville, TN 37214
        *Ph* 615.885.6801 <tel:615.885.6801> | *Fax* 615.889.4768
        <tel:615.889.4768> |



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